Three layers: the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutis with fascia.
Epidermis: germinative pool of keratinocytes (KC) and differentiating KC`s. Substructured into the basal membrane, stratum basale (dividing stem cells), stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum and stratum corneum. Melanocytes, Langerhans cells and Merkel cells.
Dermis: fibroblasts producing a rich extracellular matrix (collagen and elastic fibers), adnexal structure associated muscles, dermal dendritic cells, mast cells, Merkel cells, upper and lower vessel pool, apocrine and eccrine glands and different nerve types.
Subcutis: connective tissue and adipose tissue including vessels and immune surveillance cells.
Skin glands: Eccrine sweat glands (palms and soles), apocrine sweat glands (axillae, areola and nipples, perianal region and genitalia) produce the sweat, sebaceous gland follicles, hair follicles with terminal hair and vellus hair follicles.
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